

Hermes delivery van

All our wedding flowers are handmade to order for you, so please allow up to 6-8 weeks for dispatch of your order. Larger orders may take up to 8-10 weeks. If you require your wedding flowers before then, please contact us so we can make sure we can make up your order in the new timescale, please note a surcharge may apply if you need to upgrade to a next day delivery option

All our orders go out in a brand new cardboard box, for all large orders we use nice and strong double wall corrugated boxes and plenty of packing paper inside to make sure your wedding flowers arrive with you, just as they left us, in perfect condition.

Important Information

 Due to the ongoing problems caused by covid-19 coronavirus, we are now experiencing problems with our supply chain and whereas we would normally be getting 2-3 deliveries a week, certain items are now taking months and some products we won`t see again at all and alternatives are having to be sort.

Please email ( or contact us, with your wedding date, so we can be sure to get your flowers put by and offer any alternatives if need be, thank you.

Our postage prices
by order value

£0.00 – £4.99 = £3.25

£5.00 – £24.99 = £4.45

£25.00 – £74.99 = £5.95

£75.00 – £149.99 = £7.95

£150.00 – £199.99 = £8.95

£200.00 - £299.99 = £9.95

£300.00 - £499.99 = £12.95

£500.00 and above = Free Delivery